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Writer's pictureFelmar Cancio

EmTech Q4W2: Adding a YouTube video to your site

Updated: May 10, 2022


Look for a video on YouTube about your favorite music. Embed the video and publish it on WordPress, along with a brief description of your favorite song.

“Gratitude” by Brandon Lake

Brandon Lake Encourages Timid Souls to Embrace the Authenticity of Thanksgiving in “Gratitude”.

Brandon Lake’s simple offering of appreciation to the infinite God is captured in the song “Gratitude.” Throughout this lovely song, Lake addresses the conflict that exists between his great appreciation for God and his commensurate realization of the limitations of his own finite humanity. Lake, on the other hand, does not allow his erroneous emotions of inadequacy to prevent him from offering God what he has to offer in praise to God. As Lake sings hallelujah, the chorus resounds with determined worship in the form of Lake’s hands spread towards the heavens, rather than concealing what he considers to be a minor act of gratitude on his part.

About the Artist

Brandon Lake is a songwriter and worship leader with a heart for writing songs for the Church that eventually advance the Kingdom of God. He enjoys collaborating with a diverse group of Christian musicians and worship leaders from a variety of backgrounds and denominations around the world.

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